Alltag unterstützdendes Produkt, basierend auf Beobachtungen und Interaktionen mit den Senioren
Besuche der Altenheime + viele Gespräche mit Bewohnern und Pflegern
wöchentl. Sportkurse unter Anleitung (Hausarzt)
Problematik der selbstständigen Heimpflege nach der Reha
bei Heimbesuchen bleibt oft nicht viel Zeit für “Patient” und Pfleger für koordinierte, sportlichen Betätigung
CONCEPT Elderlies can stay more healthy and life with more fun if doing sports, exercises and games. Focusing on the support of home exercise - designing a product that helps elderly people to enjoy exercising!
With eyes set on the main concept of this project research conversations with the doctors and elderlies gave focus on the specific area to adress. My product is taking care of their feet - thinking about the 4 parts of what to train (cardio,balance,flexibility and strength) and certain ways to do sports and games.
Ways of motivation is another big topic in this project: music, competition, smell or simply fun with friends.
Designing an astethic and sustainable product to give an user-friendly, helpfull and fun exercise tool!